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How to promote joint eyeglasses sunglasses sales?

01 Associated products:

When a customer selects a certain product, we can promote sales through the matching of related clothing and accessories. What brings customers is the psychological effect of icing on the cake. Customers will also be happy to accept it.

For example, let customers who wear contact lenses wear a pair of glasses at the same time;
A pair of sunglasses, let customers with myopia glasses wear a pair of myopia sunglasses;
Let customers who wear business glasses often wear a pair of outdoor or sports glasses.

02 Associate:

China is a society that pays attention to humanity and sophistication. Friends, girlfriends, and relatives are the keys to increase joint sales. Products such as sunglasses can be proposed to allow customers to pick up two items along the way, which is both humane and affordable.

If these two methods are integrated and used appropriately in the above four opportunities, the transaction rate of joint sales will be greatly increased.

A young male customer came to an optical shop to have glasses. His original intention was to change his image in the New Year. The salesperson recommended a pair of glasses that suits the customer very well, and the store happened to be doing a promotion. Now it can save a lot of money with this pair of glasses than usual. The customer happily accepted the salesperson’s recommendation.

However, this sales process did not end there. While chatting with the customer, the salesperson further learned that he was going back to his hometown to visit his parents during the Chinese New Year. When his parents were old, they had presbyopia; therefore, the salesperson recommended to the customer to buy a pair each for his parents. Reading glasses can also be regarded as a show of filial piety.

The customer felt that this suggestion was good, so they immediately called their parents to ask about the readings of their reading glasses. The parents said that they shouldn’t buy them. The old ones can still be used, but the psychology is ecstatic. Finally, the customer bought two portable reading glasses for men and women and left happily.

This is the joint sales of family promotion!

Now that you know that customers still have potential needs, why not recommend them anymore?

For example, let every customer buy eye wash and eye patch, not only for themselves, but also for family members, especially if the husband buys it for his wife and the parent buys it for the child, this is a very good joint sale.

03 silent connection:

In our shop, there is also a “silent joint”, that is, the scene display in the display.

Through the arrangement of scenes, it stimulates the customer’s sense of identity with the product. Will make customers interested in all the goods in the scene, thereby promoting the increase in sales.

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Post time: Jan-26-2022