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Cold knowledge: the eyes are also afraid of noise! ?

At present, noise pollution has become one of the six major environmental pollution factors.

What sound is classified as noise?

The scientific definition is that the sound emitted by the sounding body when it vibrates irregularly is called noise. If the sound emitted by the sounding body exceeds the environmental noise emission standards set by the country and affects people’s normal life, study and work, we call it environmental noise pollution.

The most direct harm of noise to the human body is reflected in hearing damage. For example, long-term exposure to repeated noise, or exposure to super decibel noise for a long time at a time, will cause sensory neurological deafness. At the same time, if the general sound exceeds 85-90 decibels, it will cause damage to the cochlea. If things go on like this, hearing will gradually decrease. Once exposed to an environment of 140 decibels and above, no matter how short the exposure time is, hearing damage will occur, and in severe cases, it will even directly cause irreversible permanent damage.

But did you know that in addition to direct damage to ears and hearing, noise can also affect our eyes and vision.


●Relevant experiments show that

When the noise reaches 90 decibels, the sensitivity of human visual cells will decrease, and the reaction time for identifying weak light will be prolonged;

When the noise reaches 95 decibels, 40% of people have dilated pupils and blurred vision;

When the noise reaches 115 decibels, most people’s eyeballs’adaptation to the brightness of the light decreases to varying degrees.

Therefore, people who have been in a noisy environment for a long time are prone to eye damage such as eye fatigue, eye pain, vertigo, and visual tears. The survey also found that noise can reduce people’s vision of red, blue, and white by 80%.

Why is this? Because human eyes and ears are connected to some extent, they are connected to the nerve center. Noise can affect the central nervous system of the human brain while damaging hearing. When sound is transmitted to the human auditory organ-the ear, it also uses the brain’s nervous system to transmit it to the human visual organ-the eye. Too much sound will cause nerve damage, which in turn leads to a decline and disorder of overall visual function.

To reduce the harm of noise, we can start from the following aspects.

The first is to eliminate noise from the source, that is, to eliminate the occurrence of noise fundamentally;

Secondly, it can reduce the exposure time in the noise environment;

In addition, you can also wear physical anti-noise earphones for self-protection;

At the same time, strengthen publicity and education on the hazards of noise pollution to make everyone aware of the importance and necessity of reducing noise pollution.

So next time if someone makes a particularly noisy noise, you can tell him “Shhh! Please be quiet, you’re‘noisy’to my eyes.”

Post time: Jan-26-2022